About Langoer - Enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/OEP

How can OER/OEP be an opportunity for less used languages?

The LangOER project addresses this under-explored topic by bringing together the worlds of Open Education and less used languages (including Regional and Minority Languages-RML) in a fruitful and long term dialogue.

LangOER aims to contribute to the promotion of learning and teaching of less used European languages by linking them to the global challenges of Open Education. This is achieved by awareness raising and capacity building activities (including exchange of good practice, training, expert consultations, discussions and dissemination activities) for the two main target groups, policy makers and educators in less used languages in Europe.

The project aims to “strengthen the role of languages in improving employability and competitiveness”, which is one of the backbones of the multilingualism policy.

Read why OERs matter for less used languages.


The aims of the project are as follows:

At policy level
  • Raise awareness of OER, demonstrate best practice and valorise multilingual and interactive resources on a European level
  • Give the floor to less used and Regional/Minority languages allowing their needs to be heard on the international scene where OER experts meet and reflect.
  • Reach and support policy makers seeking to overcome barriers for OER uptake through consultation mechanisms.
  • Fuel activity of well-established and successful pan-European instruments, such as the big OER metadata repository Language Resources Exchange and the policy making channel Observatory, both run by the European Schoolnet (P3). Sharing LangOER materials through the former and creating a public, shareable Thematic Dossier on the latter will expand and multiply the impact of LangOER project results.
At teaching/learning level

  • Foster creation and uptake of OER through awareness raising activities, delivery of training materials, provision of training on OER/OEP to at least 200 European educators and above all by making OEP a reality through implementation in real teaching contexts.
  • Boost the multilingual and interactive dimension of OER (to combat the primarily monolingual and static current picture of OER) through a teacher-as-developer guided practice.
  • Embrace educators and stakeholders of Regional and Minority Languages in remotely located areas to gain knowledge, develop skills and exchange good practice.
  • Address language learning as a learning subject requiring specific attention due to two particular characteristics (speaking skills and teacher feedback) that may not be fully tackled by OER.

At project level

  • Offer an up-to-date picture of languages in which OER exist, through an in-depth desktop research in 17 European countries.
  • Map OER initiatives emphasizing the linguistic and cultural variety in Europe.
  • Foster informal learning and community learning practice through moderated, sustained discussions through a social networking platform.
  • Adopt a cross-sectoral and cross-linguistic approach to OER/OEP to combat fragmentation of efforts and to enhance the transferability of the approach and the materials to new pedagogical contexts/language contexts.

Read more about Work Packages.

Find out more in our Flyer: (EN), (DE)(FR), (Frisian), (GR), (LT), (LV), (NL), (PL)(SE).

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Meet our Advisory Board.






LangOER (2014 – 2016) is a European network focused on enhancing the linguistic and cultural components of OER (open educational resources) by offering OER in less used languages and by enhancing sustainability through OER reuse.


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