About Langoer - Enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/OEPHow can OER/OEP be an opportunity for less used languages?The LangOER project addresses this under-explored topic by bringing together the worlds of Open Education and less used languages (including Regional and Minority Languages-RML) in a fruitful and long term dialogue. LangOER aims to contribute to the promotion of learning and teaching of less used European languages by linking them to the global challenges of Open Education. This is achieved by awareness raising and capacity building activities (including exchange of good practice, training, expert consultations, discussions and dissemination activities) for the two main target groups, policy makers and educators in less used languages in Europe. The project aims to “strengthen the role of languages in improving employability and competitiveness”, which is one of the backbones of the multilingualism policy. Read why OERs matter for less used languages.
The aims of the project are as follows:
At policy level
At teaching/learning level
At project level
Read more about Work Packages. Find out more in our Flyer: (EN), (DE), (FR), (Frisian), (GR), (LT), (LV), (NL), (PL), (SE). Download your own LangOER bookmark. Meet our Advisory Board.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LangOER (2014 – 2016) is a European network focused on enhancing the linguistic and cultural components of OER (open educational resources) by offering OER in less used languages and by enhancing sustainability through OER reuse.