LangOER final conference - Open education: promoting diversity for European language

Brussels, 26/27 September 2016, coinciding with the European Day of languages. The event, co-organised with the Educational Repositories Network - EdReNe

Going Open with LangOER: Open Educational Resources and Practices in teaching

LangOER organised a workshop at the eTwinning Conference, which gathered more than 500 teachers in Brussels to explore the benefits of cooperative teaching. Read more.

Seminar of the EdReNe project (Educational Repositories Network)

LangOER will organise the workshop  “Exploring the Landscape of Open Educational Practices” Copenhagen, October 20-21. View the agenda


The seminar, taking place in Leeuwardeen (The Netherlands) on 7-8 October, will offer selected workshops fostering collaborations and discussions around open educational practice and regional and minority languages.  Read more info. See the main highlights of the seminar.

Webinar on EU-US cooperation on OER/OEP and language learning: "Out in the Open, reaching for the stars"

This webinar is a joint cooperation of US and European peers working in the area of OER/OEP for language education. Join this webinar on 15 September 2015 at 15 CET.Read more info.

Enhancing teaching and learning of less used languages through Open Educational Resources (OER) and Practices (OEP)

Presentation by Gosia Kurek, Linda Bradley and Katerina Zourou at the annual Eurocallconference in Padova, 26-29 August 2015. Read more here.  

Join free online webinars on Open Educational Resources and Practices!

How can Open Educational Resources enrich your teaching and learning practice? Free webinars starting on 25 March 2015. Register now!

Open Educational Resources (OER) for less used languages in an increasingly digital everyday culture

Webinar organised by LangOER and University of Gothenburg | 14-15 CET, 19 September 2014 | Download the poster and join online!

OER: insights into a multilingual landscape @ EUROCALL 2014

“OER: insights into a multilingual landscape” at the EUROCALL 2014 Conference | Groningen, 20-23 August 2014 | Presenters: Linda Bradley, Sylvi Vigmo, Katerina Zourou -Continue reading -->

Framing quality indicators for multilingual Repositories of Open Educational Resources

The LangOER European Network - Presenters: Linda Bradley, Anne Tannhaüser, Katerina Zourou | EIF 2014 in conjunction with LINQ 2014 | 7-9 May 2014, Crete - Greece Continue reading -->

Online seminar on policy for OER and less used languages

The event, organized by ICDE and the LangOER network in partnership with the Nordic OER network, will seek to assess the situation for open educational resources around the globe with particular reference to less used languages. | 28 April 2014, Oslo Read the whole twitter conversation: #LangOER on Chirpstory - Norway Continue reading -->

Open Education for a Multicultural World

How can OER enhance the position of less used languages on a global scale? Workshop organised at the OCW Consortium global conference, Ljubljana 25 April 2014 | Gard Titlestad ICDE Continue reading -->

International workshop on policy for OER and less used languages 

International Council for Open and Distance Education and the LangOER network in partnership with the OpenCourseWare Consortium are organizing a workshop on how OER can enhance the position of less used languages on a global scale | Open session 13:30 – 15:00 25 April 2014 Continue reading -->

Webinar | Sustainability in OER for less used languages: March 14, 2014

Since it was coined in 2002 by UNESCO, the concept of OER has matured in certain areas, particularly within topics in globally significant languages.. Continue reading --> View the slides of the workshop (slideshare). Access the recording of the webinar:

See all the events in the LangOER calendar.


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