About LangOER

3-year network (January 2014- December 2016) supported by action KA2 Languages of the Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission

How can less used languages, including Regional and Minority languages, benefit from Open Educational Practices (OEP)? How can Open Educational Resources (OER) be shaped to foster linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe? What policies are favourable to the uptake of quality OER in less used language communities?
Less used languages face the risk of linguistic/cultural dependence in the fast evolving OER/OEP landscape currently dominated by English. The LangOER network addressed the needs of two main target groups: educators and policy makers. For the former, the project offered face-to-face and online training sessions in 7 languages, aimed at raising awareness of OER/OEP and covering the creation and use of multilingual and interactive OER. For the latter, capacity building was targeted through expert pan-European events, policy support and consultation mechanisms seeking to overcome barriers to OER uptake.
The partnership consisted of a set of key players: a global organisation for open and distance education, a consortium of 30 European Ministries of Education linked to the biggest network of European schools, a research centre on multilingualism / network of multilingual schools in minority language areas in Europe, universities with R&D activity and strong local and national reach, and companies with experience in quality e-learning activity at European level.
Activities comprised comparative studies, policy making papers and a showcase of best practices, complemented by conferences, webinars, an awards competition and social network based discussions.
The network’s real challenge was to enhance the linguistic and cultural variety that Europe is proud of, on the international scene of Open Education.
Key findings were published in EL, EN, LV, LT, NL, PL, SE and Frisian. Network impact was guaranteed through the dissemination potential of LangOER project members, especially pan-European and international networks.
  • Fryske Academy, The Netherlands (Project coordination)
  • Web2learn, Greece (Project management)
  • European Schoolnet, Belgium
  • University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Jan Dlugosz University, Poland
  • Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
  • International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Norway
  • European Foundation for Quality in E-learning, Belgium
  • Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Latvia

LangOER (2014 – 2016) is a European network focused on enhancing the linguistic and cultural components of OER (open educational resources) by offering OER in less used languages and by enhancing sustainability through OER reuse.


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