Policy consultationLangOER Policy consultation Facebook Group Join the group here As final activity of the consultation process, the project invites policy makers, experts, researchers and practitioners to join the group. The group aims at promoting a dialogue around the project policy recommendations ‘Enabling Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Europe through OER’ and key resources in the field, as well as at enhancing OER into policy and encourage further action. Download LangOER Policy recommendations (final version) Policy consultation processThe project has been contributing to the promotion of learning and teaching of less used European languages by linking them to the global challenges of Open Education. This has been done by awareness raising and capacity building activities (including exchange of good practice, training, expert consultations, discussions and dissemination activities) for the two main target groups, policy makers and educators in less used languages in Europe.
Conference workshops The final event of the LangOER’s project ‘Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages’conference took place on 26-27 September, in Brussels. Following the opening speeches, the LangOER project draft policy recommendations 'Enabling Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Europe through OER' were presented, inaugurating two days of workshops and open discussions also focusing on selecting and refining the recommendations. The conference concluded with a call for future actions on OER and suggested actions for the improvement of the recommendations draft. Conference materials and results of the consultation workshops available here LangOER Webinar Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages – Consultation on policy recommendations Following discussions at the conference, the project invited key stakeholders to help finalise draft recommendations that are aimed at supporting the enhancement of teaching and learning of less used languages through the development and use of Open Educational Resources, participating in a webinar to revise a second draft.
Speakers: Jim Ayre (European Schoolnet), Gard Titlestad (ICDE), Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Marit Bijlsma (Fryske Akademy). Policy recommendations draft discussed during the webinar here - Version October 2016
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LangOER (2014 – 2016) is a European network focused on enhancing the linguistic and cultural components of OER (open educational resources) by offering OER in less used languages and by enhancing sustainability through OER reuse.